Drupal 7 will have one more year of life

They have just officially announced at https://www.drupal.org/psa-2022-02-23 that Drupal 7 support has been extended for at least another year, and that we will have official support until November 2023.

They also say that it will be re-evaluated annually, which means that next year it may be extended again.

Let's remember that Drupal 7 was launched in January 2011, more than 10 years ago !!!!
Initially they wanted to end support in November 2021, then in 2022 and now in 2023.

And let's also remember that Drupal 8 is no longer supported in November 2021. Now the recommended version is D9 and the D10 version is expected in the summer of 2022.

On the one hand it's good news for owners of older sites made in Drupal 7, but for me it's bad news for the Drupal ecosystem. It is a proof that shows the great fragmentation between versions. It can not be that sites with several years, which are already more than economically amortized, refuse to upgrade and that means devoting community resources to sites with obsolete technologies.

I keep getting tasks for D7 projects from time to time, I am still surprised by the number of customers who prefer to extend as long as possible an obsolete technology and do not consider upgrading until there are only a few months of support left. I am pretty sure that these projects will never be upgraded if the official support is extended every year.

Have Any Project in Mind?

If you want to do something in Drupal maybe you can hire me.

Either for consulting, development or maintenance of Drupal websites.