Pon una vacuna: Médicos Sin Fronteras

"Pon una vacuna" (Put a vaccine) is the new campaign of "Médicos Sin Fronteras" to raise funds. The objective is to give the importance that vaccination deserves and the whole complex process to take vaccines to the most remote destinations.

In this case, it is a very visual project, where we can see through images, videos and explanatory texts, the chain that leads to a vaccine from MSF stores to the final injection. In addition, the witnesses of those responsible for each stage will give us personal and accurate information of the difficulties involved in this process.

The final objective of the campaign is to make donations, and that is why we have collaborated with Atenea Tech integrating a customized Drupal module for "Médicos Sin Fronteras" that fulfills this function, as well as the possibility of interacting through comments and sharing information in networks social. Hopefully this action will lead many people to make donations and that the campaign will be a success!

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