I have done tests with "New Relic", and the truth is that they are expensive but it is worth having statistics of this type.

Right now I have some servers that use NewRelic, and others that use Datadog. Both are very good services, they are different, but they are used for the same thing.

The subject of this article is that at the time I tested in a couple of servers the two agents.

What I wanted to do now was to leave in all my servers only one agent, group them to have only Datadog in the professional servers that I manage, and leave NewRelic only in the servers that I use for my SideProjects. Why? Well, the new "NewRelic One" looks very good, it has a limited free version and this way I keep up to date with the different services. I don't rule out in the future moving everything to Datadog or everything to NewRelic.

So, back to the topic, I have some servers that right now are sending data to both Datadog and Newrelic. To tidy things up a bit, I wanted to remove NewRelic from these servers.

To remove the agent that monitors the infrastructure, on Linux you just need to:

sudo apt-get remove newrelic-infra

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