ADG-FAD Laus Awards
Web in Drupal for ADG-FAD, Association of Art Directors and Graphic Designers of FAD, an entity that represents the graphic designers of Barcelona since 1961, and which also organizes since 1964 the Laus Awards, which reward the best international graphic design projects and audiovisual communication. In this case, we have carried out the project under the artistic direction of and in collaboration with Atenea Tech
The project was set up during 2017 and is aimed at the renovation of the old website of the LAUS awards and the unification of other websites that had a client to manage everything from the same CMS, in this case a super complete Drupal. Here are some keys to the project:
Content Import
For this project several websites were unified into one, which had to migrate the contents of these pages. Two Wordpress had to be imported for two different sections of the web with their texts and their images. We also carry out an import of the old projects of the LAUS website, with all its fields and images.
Easy content editing
The use of the Paragraphs module has allowed us to create modular and complex designs, but at the same time its ease of use makes this difficulty transparent to the final editor. It's about building small complex elements that together can create complex pages with endless possibilities.
Archive for years and faceted searches
Another requirement was to have "Archived" pages for years. Each new year there are sections that are updated and a quick and easy way to keep the old pages intact and accessible for your query while being able to clone their content and modify it was sought. We also include the possibility of faceted search of the projects presented.
Laus Awards
The web contains, in addition to the visible part with the contents of the different prizes and pieces presented in the Laus, a whole workflow and an internal system for the presentation of the prizes by the participants. It is an intranet with complex rules, being one of the preferred areas for a website with Drupal. Below we review some of the main features:
Project management workflow
Administrators needed to have a system for anyone to register as a user and through a payment gateway could register new projects. Then the jury would select the awarded projects and finally be published on the web.
Integration with payment gateway
We have made an integration so that users can pay for the presentation in the prizes by means of a payment gateway of the Sabadell bank and that when making the payment the user will be notified via email and a PDF invoice will be generated.
File generation
From the information of the projects we were asked to generate both excels, as words as pdfs each with their own designs. These tools facilitate the work of the jury, which receives a huge amount of projects for final evaluation.
Attractive design and hand-to-hand functionality
One of the great challenges of this project was to create a website with a very careful functionality, which allowed both users and publishers and jurors to have an easy-to-use interface, but without forgetting the graphic part, so important in a targeted project. to designers and creatives.

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